Promoting Openess with Canvas Tools

Video Transcript
Hello, my name is Tori, Marcia from the metropolitan area of Finland. And in this presentation would like to share with you. Our experience is in the promoting openness with the converse tools. Will spend 20 minutes with you and will beginning with bit of definition. It will first talked about what open education is. What it means is term, and how it applies in our University.

Then we'll move onto the concrete, cold concrete goals, concrete goals, we have for open education and how we measure its success, then we'll move on to the methodology and talk about how we have combined pedagogy and Technology by utilizing learning design as method. Then we actually get to the concrete things with kindness as well. So we'll show you a couple of things. We are a couple of features from canvas and how we have used those to promote openness within our institution. Then we move on to how we can measure impacts and what kind of things we have seen, what we kind of things.

We have seen during the first couple of years with cannabis. I will finish the day off with talk about our future steps and moving towards open it occasionally resources and what kind of education to tasks for universities. But let's first start with a bit of a definition. So open it, occasionally speed of an umbrella term. We have times like open science that are pretty well-defined and very usable in a conversation.

But we'd open it. Occasionally of still very much moving at a volume level to get some more concrete. Things. I picked up European commission's, definition from 2016. They highlight three things about open education.

The goal is to widen access to education and to improve participatory culture within education, but also something very concrete about sharing content and sharing knowledge within institution lecturers and students. From this very proud definition will try to move towards first floor, all university-level and then towards technical choices. We have made our University adopted, a new strategy, a few years back to the year 2030. Strategies built around three core tenets or values. First of them is being open, second making Pakistan.

Unsurprisingly today, will be focusing on the first one being open. So being open is something that is actually at the very DNA of finish University's, Howard University, law actually includes the phrase that University education is open for all. So basically, you have been able to walk into any University lecture hear it. Even if you're not enrolled student, you could go to the auditorium to hear someone speak. I'm just leave without taking a degree or credit for what you have done.

That was a default choice. So unless you had a very good reason you cannot access to education. Now with digital tools, but usually people usually think they are way to promote open this within our societies. However, with education, it has been a double-edged sword. Why do everyone knows food examples of virtualization, a dedication, and how it has promoted open? This.

We have moves. We have online courses that have enabled students to participate from all over the world and enroll in University at the same time, like 2 or Blackboard or canvas requires sign ups to do choirs in my invitation links. It requires you to complete registration process. So sometimes they also Build That Wall. So when we when we are choosing new tools is important that we juice.

Those that enable us to promote openness in the University as well. So let's then move on to see what open. This means for our University. And of course, we have had for the slides starts with the headline. Why would I share my materials.

It's very much taken out of context quote, but it's something that we see every day collaboration with the scientific Community is always kind of value that big smoke but it's sometimes something sometime just a very necessary or selfish choice to keep your cards close to your chest for us. That is that, is that a life or university is spread across six, physical campuses, and one digital campus within 100 km of each other. So one of the real challenges is, the people work in better different places. They don't necessarily needs. They don't work together.

We have different teams working within each compass and why we do have, we have promoted. We have any events for people to work together. The reality is that each of facial features and each of the teams will end up making their own materials recording their own video and making better decisions. We have joined curriculums, but when it comes to actually creating the educational content, the choices from teachers to make the one that goes here for us to Tear Down the Walls between the campus. He's an able and I'd also supports collaboration between competition between teacher teams.

And true that we hope to create more high-quality, educational resources, and education and to promote the student experience. Previously, teacher teams for the embassies, have been defined by the fact that they work there, I work there. So, I teach this course, but when we look at the institution level, we can find best. Best best best experts in each topic, and bring them together for high-quality content. And this also means that we can also Focus resources and allocate more time for those small team.

Great content for about everyone. But this process starts with the choice of right, tools support open practices within universities. I'm sure everyone has seen the flood of new digital tools, especially with a debit. There's a very real temptation to open up the back and choose select every tool that fits a need when the university. But if we are, when we are designing, when we are designing, our technical logical environment, it starts with the strategy, do with these tools promotes open netting.

So, that's also why we end up selecting canvas back in 2019. When we started that process, one of the goals for us to pair together, the pedagogy go expert, the expertise, and the technical knowledge that report. We required to make horses. So I'm handing the reins over to you. So you can talk a bit about how we are cheaper.

Jamaican to us as Michael mentioned it, when we introduced the new LMS way then decided that at the same time with the technical translation. It would also be a pedagogical upgrading and to facilitate the pedagogical development. We apply to learning design, which is a student-centered approach enabling the teachers to make their intuitive planning processes. Both visible and shareable thinking about what the teacher does to focus on what learning activities, that students need to experience to achieve the learning outcome. And as a concrete metal for the pedagogical, we used to ABC Learning design method because it needs very well.

The concept of And it can be carried out in a short amount of time, and they're a b c method originates from the University College of London. And it's it's on the different ways of learning and integrates them in the course design, which is then also documented and enters cherub or so, that's about in the ABC workshop and and parallel to them. Also organized technical cannabis training as well. So, of course, the emergence of the pandemic gave us some extra challenge, but then we just moved all elements support and training online and then it finally worked out by 12. But in this process, we learned that the learning design workshops have provided a very good opportunity to share the teaching knowledge, across different disciplines.

And also to bring down the walls that Michael mentioned earlier and asked me, no, teaching knowledge is a tacit knowledge that cannot be reduced to a set of written guidelines or captured in the video instruction. So the teacher teams participating in the learning design, workshops have formed, numerous communities of practice, and they offer a powerful channel for building and testing and sharing pedagogical ideas. Converse for Asters as a platform for sharing this pedagogical practices and there has been a group of teachers that have engaged in the producing. Some we call them Master courses in the in our digital library. And now we are going to share with you the way we are using Converse for this purpose.

I will show it in a minute in the converse. But first late, there is any chance have access to view or courses. And at this that's this enables, the transparency of the courses. And secondly, as a result of Cody sign, work of the teachers. We have now, a digital library, containing all learning content, and it also acts as a catalyst to work sharing pedagogical practices and in place and 3rd place.

We have also blueprints courses, which are enabled for those courses that run across semesters. And first for those courses that need to be updated frequently. Like this is seminar and featuring Portuguese. So, I wish. Stop, share a minute and then we Have a look at it in Canberra.

So here. Marigold. now, that we are so Yeah. Here in in Converse all our teachers have got a limited administrator which gives them right to see the list of the courses, and the course, content is here under 50 integration. And this Pepe's equations is the student Administration system through which we bring the students to converse.

And so, there is a sub account in the step integration, which is, which Which Step you only teacher is created within. So if I have a look at this list, of course this I can see them here and I can also look for the horses. Michael has your I can see that he's got four courses and I can go and have a look at these course, is. Or anyone else that's also that research and development, staff and Librarians, can go and have a look at the contents, but I can only see the content itself. Like, I don't see the students and I don't see the assignments that the students hunt hunt in, and if the course, is being licensed under Creative, Commons, then I can also make use of the course myself as a teacher.

And then let's have a look at the converse, where we have this digital library, and I I click here for love contents. Here we go. Here we go. So, this is the concrete results of the teacher teams work that through your message before. As you can see there are ninety-seven results.

Currently. Most of them are full pledge courses that you can download with the pedagogical script with the media, with the content with the crazies and everything. So basically kind of a textbook you can download for your course, which has been a blessing for many new teachers who have started doing the pandemic. They have very concrete tools at their disposal when they start so with every course uploaded here. There's a d teacher team behind them and each course has obviously required resources as well.

So for every course that we create teachers, get allocated to freeze faster course, we create features are allocated, extra-time yearly to work on them. And the condition is that they share it with the rest of the community. And with each there, a each each course that we create. We also we also maintain a process. So if you open any of the course, he's there.

Yeah, I can open. I have hear one of the master courses, which is the corporate social responsibility, and we update the master course, is one or twice a year and like my commission, their teacher teams are being nominated for the updating and developing task. So here is the first front page of the course, and as you can see, we have the Creative Commons license in the bottom part. And also, there is it mentions the team that has elaborated the course that has created. And in each Master course, we also have in the beginning instructions for teachers that are using this message or so how they should go about using it and especially our new teachers have been very happy about this master courses because it means that they don't have to start assigning their courses from scratch.

But and like Michael said, it's an enormous saving of time that can be used for for guidance and feedback students resourcing that we are located for the course is every year. We hope to build on this. So even with the teachers leaving the caliva leaving the University or retiring, we can still keep on building on the same work that they have done. When will Betty of the many of the fields be working require constant updates? However, with the weave when we, we don't have to start from scratch every time like 3s at. So it's moving forward.

We believe this will be even a bigger ass. So if we've been to move that's fast forward, a bit, if we can move it to what kind of impact using canvas and the openness has had in our University. We started implementing cannabis at the end of 2019 by training, our technical team and training, some of the key teachers as part of the implementation. Then we spent the spring of 2020 preparing for the pandemic surviving fandemic. But also at the same time, getting started with the Asylum, choir sees the three dimension running the workshops.

So we were building the foundation for the rest of the university to start using cannabis at the beginning of last school year. So in August using cannabis with all the new students, first year students. And then at the beginning of 2021 weeks. That's to cover all the students at louder and got rid of the old LMS and Dorothy. Are we have created TI-84 courses and they have covered over 1,000 courses each year.

So they are created for the most popular courses that we have from project management to research and development methods that are mandatory for all students. So 1000 Corpses every year with it. When everybody in our University is a lot. We have yearly we run around 4,000 course is so over. the master courses.

We created just during the first year. One one of the goals for our supposed to create the courses, but even a bigger task is get the teachers to actually utilize them. So one key metric for us, it see how well teaches you, the last two courses and we are happy to say that they have been already downloaded. 750 * do it. Just doing the first year.

We hope drive this number further up, since during the first year, using these courses, we have calculated that it has already saved of 3000 hours of teachers time. It's just a rough estimation spaced. It is based on the assumption that using a Ready. Mix course template would save 10% of time to teachers use with the courses. And as we expand expand, expand this library and ask me.

Hopefully he beat the writing on each course that we have created here. This number will also go up as if he's just more when we can a bleach to whatever when when does workspaces. When it lasted Works, pay CC Bowl overtime. Lastly, let's move towards the future steps with Leah. Yeah, so now that we have a taken, all the effort to build the digital library.

It's very, very important that we keep it alive and to do to update and develop it and practiced for this part is still under development. And them has enabled us to booster concept of openness and in the classroom. And we are now Getting more and more used to using the Creative Commons license in common practice. So at the first stage of Independence strategy, the digital library that we have created, has being within our University walls, tearing down the Walls. We hope to do the same for same for everyone.

So the goal is to open up. Finally, that it's library for everyone, including the doing that wooden canvas Community. There are other avenues for sharing open it again. Should get occasional resources. So we are right now devising, a plan of how we open them up during the years to come.

What are the questions one for questions? We face in tenley's ybry will be open up our resources for others. We have seen within a miniature scale of one institution, that's opening up resources, working to get there and sharing things sharing knowledge and content. It has benefited us enormously. So we believe that same for the same applies for everyone, if we can share resources and you would like the best resource is created all around the world. We can enhance the quality of our studies.

We also believe that universities will not be defined by the quality of free quality of Education resources that we have a I frost the human, the human capital that we have within our staff. Thanks Patty's Day of accumulated from working life over over decades. That something that that is the value, that we can play it for our students and if we can free up our staff's time from creating them from creating call contact with in cannabis or other platforms that is more time that they can use to bite the students and share their core expert expertise with them. So with these words, we're going to conclude our presentation. So thank you for staying with us on the last Light.

You can see our contact details. So if you have any questions, you can reach out to us or email or they're both of our Twitter handles as well. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Bye.